Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 20 - #8

"The highest good is like water
which benefits all things
and contends with none.
It flows in low places that others disdain
and thus is close to the Tao.

In living, choose your ground well.
In thought, stay deep in the heart.
In relationship, be generous.
In speaking, hold to truth.
In leadership, be organized.
In work, do your best.
In action, be timely.

If you compete with no one,
no one can compete with you."

But who are the least among us? Those who show the least outwardly have the most in their hearts. Years ago it was my spiritual director who taught me, "People do the best they can with what they have." Talking to a friend at work today, I added, "...even if it doesn't look like much to other people."

What resides in the heart is given by God. Those who touch what is put there are given a gift, and should strive only to give in return.

The key is to receive. The spirit of God is within you, but you must open the door to Him. I remind myself of this every day, in order to keep going. Only He can close it, when it's time. This I tell myself, too, so the fear cannot shake me. For what does it matter that I have and am little, when I can be in Him?

Then why in the marriage vows do we say, "With all that I am and all that I have, I honor you?" The honor comes from God, who reminds us daily that, as Bl. Teresa of Calcutta said, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love."


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