"They look so small and frail
but they are so great and magnificent.
They are born of the same womb
that birthed the cosmos
and knitted together the galaxies.
If you could see them as they truly are
you would be astounded.
You would not see little children,
but dancing clouds of light,
energy in motion,
swimming in an ocean of love.
They are so much more
than what you see.
As are you.
Life can seem mundane.
But it is not.
Children can seem ordinary,
and troublesome,
and fragile.
But they are not.
You may feel alone,
and separated,
and powerless.
But you are not."
It takes so much for people to stop believing lies about themselves. I know, for me, that the lies still haunt and taunt, even though I know they are not true. As I watch and wait for my daughter to tell me the truth of herself, I must remember my main responsibility: To show her the true me. It all takes a certain fearlessness, and I hope that as I affirm her truth she will grow to affirm the truth of--and in--everyone.
but they are so great and magnificent.
They are born of the same womb
that birthed the cosmos
and knitted together the galaxies.
If you could see them as they truly are
you would be astounded.
You would not see little children,
but dancing clouds of light,
energy in motion,
swimming in an ocean of love.
They are so much more
than what you see.
As are you.
Life can seem mundane.
But it is not.
Children can seem ordinary,
and troublesome,
and fragile.
But they are not.
You may feel alone,
and separated,
and powerless.
But you are not."
It takes so much for people to stop believing lies about themselves. I know, for me, that the lies still haunt and taunt, even though I know they are not true. As I watch and wait for my daughter to tell me the truth of herself, I must remember my main responsibility: To show her the true me. It all takes a certain fearlessness, and I hope that as I affirm her truth she will grow to affirm the truth of--and in--everyone.
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