Tuesday, April 3, 2018


"Thinking and talking about the Integral Way are not
the same as practicing it.
Who ever became a good rider by talking about
If you wish to embody the Tao, stop chattering and
start practicing.
Relax your body and quiet your senses.
Return your mind to its original clarity.
Forget about being separated from others and from the
Divine Source.

As you return to the Oneness, do not think of it or be
in awe of it. This is just another way of separating
from it.
Simply merge into truth, and allow it to surround

I am learning to unapologetically do nothing. Because I need rest, I must rest. This is not nothing, but the outside chatter tells us it's nothing. Because I am willing to rest in this "nothing," I can do everything. Eventually, I will do everything unapologetically. 

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