Thursday, March 15, 2018


"Words can never convey the beauty of a tree;
to understand it, you must see it with your own
Language cannot capture the melody of a song;
to understand it, you must hear it with your own
So it is with the Tao: the only way to understand it is
to directly experience it.

The subtle truth of the universe is unsayable and
Therefore the highest teachings are wordless.
My own words are not the medicine, but a
prescription; not the destination, but a map to help
you reach it.
When you get there, quiet your mind and close your
Don't analyze the Tao.
Strive instead to live it: silently, undecidedly, with
your whole harmonious being."

Who decides what is the most relevant and valid way to experience something? Is it not equally clear and beautiful to hear the rustling of leaves in the wind, if one cannot see the tree? Is it not equally clear and beautiful to feel the vibrations of the music, if one cannot hear the notes? With whatever senses, capacities, and insights we possess, our lives can be whole and complete. To believe otherwise would seem to disrupt the flow of life itself. 

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