Tuesday, March 27, 2018


"Nothing in the realm of thought or ideologies is
Lean on one for long, and it collapses.
Because of this, there is nothing more futile and
frustrating than relying on the mind.

To arrive at the unshakeable, you must befriend the
To do this, quiet your thinking.
Stop analyzing, dividing, making distinctions between
one thing and another.
Simply see that you are at the center of the universe,
and accept all things and beings as parts of your
infinite body.

When you perceive that an act done to another is done
to yourself, you have understood the great truth."

Isn't it wonderful to think we are not bound by narrow, shallow, or hateful ways of thinking? That we can overcome such thoughts just by looking honestly within? It's incredible to me that I don't have to stay hurt, sad, angry, broken, or afraid; no matter how long it takes me to acknowledge those feelings, there is always the potential for change and improvement. 

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