Saturday, March 31, 2018


"The Tao gives birth to One.
One gives birth to yin and yang.
Yin and yang give birth to all things.
Now forget this.

The complete whole is the complete whole.
So also is any part of the complete whole.
Forget this, too.

Pain and happiness are simply conditions of the ego.
Forget the ego.

Time and space are changing and dissolving, not fixed
and real.
They can be thought of as accessories, but don't think
of them.

Supernatural beings without form extend their life
force throughout the universe to support beings
both formed and unformed.
But never mind this; the supernatural is just a part of
nature, like the natural.
The subtle truth emphasizes neither and includes

All truth is in tai chi: to cultivate the mind, body, or
spirit, simply balance the polarities.
If people understood this, world peace and universal
harmony would naturally arise.

But forget about understanding and harmonizing and
making all things one.
The universe is already a harmonious oneness; just
realize it.

If you scramble about in search of inner peace, you
will lose your inner peace."

I am learning the reality and the importance of my own stillness. In all my other waiting, I never mastered the art of such stillness. Silence yes, but I strained so hard to listen for that for which I waited, that I was never truly still. Now, if I allow my actions to arise authentically out of stillness, I can be more confident that they are right. Less panic and worry means more clarity, peace, and joy. 

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