Monday, March 19, 2018


"All things in the universe move from the subtle to the
manifest and back again.
Whether the form is that of a star or a person, the
process is the same.
First, the subtle energy exists.
Next, it becomes manifest and takes on life.
After a time, the life passes away, but the subtle
energy goes on, either returning to the subtle
realm, where it remains, or once again attaching to
manifest things.

The character of your existence is determined by the
energies to which you connect yourself.
If you attach yourself to gross energies--loving this
person, hating that clan, rejecting one experience or
habitually indulging in another--then you will lead
a series of heavy, attached lives.
This can go on for a very long and tedious time.

The way of the integral being is to join with higher
By holding to that which is refined and subtle, she
traverses refined and sub the realms.
If she enters the world, she does so lightly, without
In this way she can go anywhere without ever leaving
the center of the universe."

The longer I blog like this, about this, whatever this is, the less I fear death. Perhaps death is, after all, just another change--more like a final chapter than an absolute end. 

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