Monday, March 26, 2018


"Good and bad, self and others, life and death:
Why affirm these concepts? Why deny them?
To do either is to exercise the mind, and the integral
being knows that the manipulations of the mind are
dreams, delusions, and shadows.

Hold one idea, and another competes with it.
Soon the two will be in conflict with a third, and in
time your life is all chatter and contradiction.

Seek instead to keep your mind undivided.
Dissolve all ideas into the Tao."

All I have been wanting to do for most of my life is quiet the chatter, see through the bullshit, get to the heart of what's really essential and true for our time together. I pick a path not knowing if it's the right one; only when I look back do I understand that it couldn't have been any other way. I know know that I can only learn as I go to pick better, so my path will become more clear as I forge ahead.

I have also tried to live my life along this path so that nothing gets left behind. Even when I seem to let go, I carry the experience with me so that I can remember and grow from it. 

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