Tuesday, August 16, 2016


"Body is the tabernacle.
Traveling one thousand miles,
The gods are still in place."

Had it not been for traveling mercies, I doubt very much whether I should be alive today. Indeed, I experienced the start of my world travels as a sort of death of my old life, commending my spirit to God and to the new. I did this in the midst of fear and pain, not knowing and at times not much caring where I would end up, or for how long. Even now some mornings when I board the bus, I wonder, as I often used to at the start of any journey: "What would happen if I just kept going?" These days, with a safe and happy home life and a marriage ripe with possibilities, I experience that passing thought like those I've sometimes had of suicide or self-harm; what was once a clear and present danger is now just a shadow of terror. I no longer have the urge to run or kill my pain; instead I have the strength to face it, and take prayerful action. 

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