Tuesday, August 2, 2016


"Infinite expanse, sleek ocean teeming with life,
Turbulent, virile, ever-moving spread,
Seamlessly laid to the brilliant sky,
I float on you in my fashioned womb,
Sustained against your green-black depths.

Those on land never understand maritime life.
Those of the sea are intimate with your moods;
They navigate but are ultimately helpless.
Destinations become useless, drifting the sole reality:
A sailor's fears dissolve into acceptance."

I was reflecting yesterday on the fact that in my life I've learned to sit in a room filled with pain, and be comfortable with it. With that has come a willingness to entertain almost any pain, and to accept it as an expected if not entirely welcome guest. I've learned to ask for the lesson from the pain, in order to deepen my perspective. Thence comes the strength I need to lean into the wind on my journey forward. 

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