Wednesday, November 25, 2020

73. Open Your Arms Wide

 "Wise parents do not strive,

yet their purposes never fail.

They are available,

but never interfere.

They communicate,

but never lecture.

They let their children go,

but never lose them.

These parents are like the Tao.

They open wide their hearts 

and hands,

yet never lose a thing.

If I grasp my children

and my other treasures,

I will have only

what my arms can hold.

And even that

slips through my grasp.

But the wider I have opened my arms,

the more and more I find.

If I can ever open wide,

I will have everything."

I hope I can teach my daughter to face rejection and loss with grace and equanimity. I think I have finally reached such a place in my own life, and feel that I have lost nothing, in fact, but only gained insight. Sometimes it's still difficult to bear, but I believe I understand now that if I keep my heart open, it can always be full. 

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