Monday, November 16, 2020

65. Knowledge Or Wisdom?

 "If you try to teach your children

all the facts and answers

you think they need to know,

they will end up knowing nothing.

If instead you help them look

deep within themselves,

you will have led them to the source,

from where all answers flow.

Don't look to schools 

to teach your children wisdom.

Being 'Student of the Month'

will not insure happiness.

Your children will have to learn the Way

from other sources,

perhaps from you."

Throughout this pandemic, I have been grateful that my daughter isn't yet school age. In the midst of all the other problems in America today, I have questioned the idea of even sending her to school at all. I am pretty sure we all have a lot of unlearning and relearning to do in order to redress the wrongs that permeate American society. I am hopeful that by the time my daughter does reach school age, we can be well into a process of revolutionizing her education. I believe it is the best thing we can do in order to reach the true source, love.

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