Sunday, May 29, 2016


"Umbrella, light, landscape, sky--
There is no language of the holy.
The sacred lies in the ordinary."

My husband so often sings the praises of an ordinary life: "I never imagined my life could be like this...Enough time and peace to do my work, quiet days, my wife by my side…" His story is his own to tell, though, so I'll leave it at that for now.

I, on the other hand, was convinced that my life not only would never be ordinary, but couldn't be. I felt such pressure to succeed phenomenally at everything I did, while at the same time staggering under the mortal impossibility of it as I struggled to navigate life with my disability and people's horrifying perceptions of that. I could only be a joke, a fraud--at worst, a trained monkey or parrot--forced freakishly into caricatures of excellence, whether on the keys, onstage, or on the honor roll. In short, I never imagined that I could be enough, let alone the best, for anyone, just as I am.

I waited a hell of a long time, but I'm happy to tell you I was wrong. My husband blesses me with a reminder of that every single day. 

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