Monday, November 14, 2016


"Enter the cavern with its
Walls of tangled strands.
Find the living flame
That burns on blood."

What is it that makes us most alive? We all live and move and have our being, whether we acknowledge Him as the source or not. Yet what is the process or meaning of that divine spark, the one that led my godfather to say, "Whether it was a monkey or a pile of dirt, God breathed into it, and that's what made it special." In our longing to do the seemingly impossible, and change the seemingly inevitable, we are hardly alone, yet often overwhelmed. Tending our own internal fire is the most awesome responsibility, sharing it the most responsible choice. But with so many ways and possibilities to do both, which is the best? How can we possibly do it all, when we are lighted and burn here for such a finite time?

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