"If you are always worried
about your children's safety,
you will bind yourself,
and them,
in cords of tension.
If you try to hold them
always close to you,
you will bring yourself,
and them,
only pain.
If you release them
to live their life fully,
and face their death serenely,
your nights will be filled
with restful sleep.
The more I grasped my children
and my own desires for life,
the more dangerous life appeared.
As I gradually let go
plots and plans
and welcomed whatever came,
the safer life became for all of us."
I have heard God defined as "the One Who protects you from nothing, but sustains you through everything." Based on my own experience, including the long and tortuous learning curve I have had toward letting go, I would say this is true. Where I have managed to be protected, or to protect myself, it's only because I may have been granted some measure of prudence, as a gift. Looking back I can say I wish I might have leaned more consciously on God's sustenance, in order to use my prudence more like a gift than like mere protection. But I have made it this far, with a chance to do better than ever each day. I'm so grateful.
about your children's safety,
you will bind yourself,
and them,
in cords of tension.
If you try to hold them
always close to you,
you will bring yourself,
and them,
only pain.
If you release them
to live their life fully,
and face their death serenely,
your nights will be filled
with restful sleep.
The more I grasped my children
and my own desires for life,
the more dangerous life appeared.
As I gradually let go
plots and plans
and welcomed whatever came,
the safer life became for all of us."
I have heard God defined as "the One Who protects you from nothing, but sustains you through everything." Based on my own experience, including the long and tortuous learning curve I have had toward letting go, I would say this is true. Where I have managed to be protected, or to protect myself, it's only because I may have been granted some measure of prudence, as a gift. Looking back I can say I wish I might have leaned more consciously on God's sustenance, in order to use my prudence more like a gift than like mere protection. But I have made it this far, with a chance to do better than ever each day. I'm so grateful.
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