Friday, July 10, 2020

48. Less Is More

"Your children do not need more.
Each day adds more facts,
more gadgets,
more activities,
more desires,
and more confusion
to their lives.

Your task is to subtract.
Each day seek to remove,
to clarify,
to simplify.
Society's wisdom adds,
and confusion grows.
The wisdom of the Tao subtracts,
and serenity flourishes.

If each day one minute less
was spent doing something.
And one minute more
was spent being present,
in simple pleasures,
with your children.
In two months
you would transform your life,
and theirs.
One minute less."

I hope, as she grows, to remind my daughter continually of that which is truly important. I lose perspective often, however, and in those moments I remind myself, I am the least. I am struggling. I am in need. I hope, as I parent, to practice this proverb which I have found so helpful in all my relationships, especially the one I have with myself: "Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it." To me this means not necessarily to reward my daughter when she succeeds or when she does something I like (although I'm sure I'll do plenty of that, too); but rather to uphold her when she is struggling, to edify her when she is lost, in pain, sad, or scared. To recognize her in those moments when, perhaps, she is the least. To understand that, at some moments of our lives, we all are the least. But we can all do more to hold each other up. 

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