Saturday, February 17, 2018


"Every departure from the Tao contaminates one's
Anger is a departure, resistance a departure, self-
absorption a departure.
Over many lifetimes the burden of contaminations can
become great.
There is only one way to cleanse oneself of these
contaminations, and that is to practice virtue.

What is meant by this?
To practice virtue is to selflessly offer assistance to
others, giving without limitation one's time,
abilities, and possessions in service, whenever and
wherever needed, without prejudice concerning the
identity of those in need.

If your willingness to give blessings is limited, so also
is your ability to receive them.
This is the subtle operation of the Tao."

How often are we permitted to depart and then come back again? I fall so short so often. While my willingness to give may never cease, my resources, both outer and inner, seem to ebb even as they flow.

Who knew this ancient wisdom would speak so rightly to my heart? It fuels my quest for balance as I go. 

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