"What makes people go hungry?
Rulers eating up all the money in taxes.
What makes people rebellious?
Rulers who can't stop interfering.
What makes people take death so lightly?
People taking life so seriously.
Those who enjoy life are wiser than
those who employ life."
This is a good one for Election Day. To me it says that both are necessary: Hunger and rebellion; taxes and rulers; death and life; seriousness and lightness. To enjoy and to employ: Can they not also come together? The question is, how much of each, and to what end?
There is a question in one of the textbooks I teach from: "What do you think is the secret of happiness?" My students are supposed to ask each other, but sooner or later they always ask me. I always tell them, "I think it's doing work you enjoy." Before, I thought I said that because for so long I had so little besides my job--but now I think there's something to it. Now I ask myself: Why work hard if you don't enjoy it? Why not find something to enjoy in the work that you do? Now I remind myself: Even if it's not the work of your choice--Life chose you and gave you something to do. Rejoice in it.
Rulers eating up all the money in taxes.
What makes people rebellious?
Rulers who can't stop interfering.
What makes people take death so lightly?
People taking life so seriously.
Those who enjoy life are wiser than
those who employ life."
This is a good one for Election Day. To me it says that both are necessary: Hunger and rebellion; taxes and rulers; death and life; seriousness and lightness. To enjoy and to employ: Can they not also come together? The question is, how much of each, and to what end?
There is a question in one of the textbooks I teach from: "What do you think is the secret of happiness?" My students are supposed to ask each other, but sooner or later they always ask me. I always tell them, "I think it's doing work you enjoy." Before, I thought I said that because for so long I had so little besides my job--but now I think there's something to it. Now I ask myself: Why work hard if you don't enjoy it? Why not find something to enjoy in the work that you do? Now I remind myself: Even if it's not the work of your choice--Life chose you and gave you something to do. Rejoice in it.
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