Saturday, February 4, 2017


"The sun rose and set today in twelve hours.
We plucked golden pears from arching branches.
Climbing a thousand steps to a rustic temple,
We made our offerings to the gods.

At nightfall, we sat in warm companionship.
A crescent moon joined our circle.
Dipping water from the silver-braided stream,
We set it bubbling in an earthenware pot.

It's not easy to brew good tea,
But this teapot has a venerable history:
A scholar once pawned all his books for it.
Now it imparts the flavor of antiquity."

Doing good work and being honest with one another--if there is a simpler basis for a good and holy life, I don't know what it is. I do know that what I'm grateful for is a better chance to hone the basics while I wait for more. If it never comes, even being honest about my struggle, I will still choose to say thanks.

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