"You've left home too soon:
Drunks frighten you, profligates paw you.
What good is a hermit's jewel?"
Lately I've been thinking a lot about how people say youth is wasted on the young. I often wonder if I wasted mine, and sometimes wish that the opportunities I have now had come to me before. This has been especially since I read somewhere that "love brings you to the end," and so I also often fear that perhaps what's been happening in my life now means that I actually will die soon. This is why I am grateful to have discovered--and rediscovered--Tao these past few years. It's helped me to bring my notions and experiences of both life and death into balance. With this balance comes some measure of peace. With peace comes energy: The energy not to despise either my youth, or the time I have left.
Drunks frighten you, profligates paw you.
What good is a hermit's jewel?"
Lately I've been thinking a lot about how people say youth is wasted on the young. I often wonder if I wasted mine, and sometimes wish that the opportunities I have now had come to me before. This has been especially since I read somewhere that "love brings you to the end," and so I also often fear that perhaps what's been happening in my life now means that I actually will die soon. This is why I am grateful to have discovered--and rediscovered--Tao these past few years. It's helped me to bring my notions and experiences of both life and death into balance. With this balance comes some measure of peace. With peace comes energy: The energy not to despise either my youth, or the time I have left.
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