Tuesday, August 23, 2016


"Outer eyes
Cannot see themselves.
The inner eye
Is its own reflection."

Without a judgmental eye to external things, one wouldn't need to live in shame. When talking about these matters of inner awareness, how short our language falls; how ableist it is to talk of seeing, looking. How different would a perception be if it were just that, freed from the senses? Some might question the value of it, but I make it a practice I call beholding--trying to peer with understanding, finding all of the elements that make each unique person who they are. To bring such inner peace to the outer world should be my quest every day; instead, I let the world intrude. Some say humanity is condemned to such behavior; I say awareness is the first crucial step toward change. Turning awareness into action is the challenge. As mistakes challenge me to grow, I challenge myself to compassion rather than condemnation. That which I bring to the outside world I must also show myself. Such is the biggest challenge of all. 

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